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As winter approaches amidst the rising cost of living, the conversation in many households turns to wearing extra layers versus cranking up the thermostat. The team at Hoopers Estate Agents in Neasden share some top tips on how you can increase your energy efficiency rating in your Brent home. It will not only help to increase your home’s value but ensure you are toasty for winter while saving the pennies.


How can you increase your property’s EPC rating?

Making your home more energy efficient won't just make it a warmer, more comfortable place to live, it can also improve its value. Here are some of the ways you can improve your score:

Big changes:

  • Double glazing. Upgrading your windows and doors won't just improve your home's energy performance, it can reduce noise too
  • Loft insulation. It's easy to install, inexpensive and can make a huge difference to your bills. Install loft insulation that's at least 270mm thick
  • Wall insulation. Whether your home has cavity or solid walls, insulating them can improve your EPC rating and you might qualify for help with the costs
  • Replace your boiler. You can cut your energy bills with a new, energy-efficient boiler.
  • An efficient secondary heating source. Installing a wood-burning stove instead of an open fireplace can give you greater fuel efficiency and reduced costs in the long run.

Small changes:

  • Upgrade to LED light bulbs. Take advantage of this quick win straight away. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) save you money on your electricity bill because they are much more energy-efficient and eco-friendly. Although they cost a little more to buy, they can last for 20-30 years! Make sure you replace all your bulbs this way. This can lift your property up 1 or sometimes 2 ratings!
  • Install a smart meter. Smart meters are a great way to see how much energy you’re using. When a person can see the exact cause and effect of their habits, and how that relates to the amount of disposable income they have at the end of the month, it’s remarkable how thrifty that person can become!


Have you made improvements to your home?

Perhaps you have already worked hard to make your home more energy efficient. It’s worth getting an up-to-date property valuation to see how these improvements have boosted the value of your home in North West London

Get in touch with our friendly team at Hoopers Estate Agents to for a free, no obligation chat about how to get your property sold this winter.

Give us a call today on 020 8450 1633 or feel free pop into our branch in Neasden Shopping Centre for a chat.